Solutions to The Rising Sea (Vakil)

Chapter 9

Section 9.1: They Exist

Exercise 9.1.A:
Suppose \(X\) and \(Y\) are schemes. Let \(X \coprod Y\) be the scheme whose underlying topological space is the disjoint union of the topological spaces of \(X\) and \(Y\), and with structure sheaf on (the part corresponding to) \(X\) given by \(\OO_X\), and similarly for \(Y\). Show that \(X \coprod Y\) is the coproduct of \(X\) and \(Y\) (justifying the use of the coproduct symbol \( \coprod \)).

Exercise 9.1.B:
Use Exercise 6.3.F (\( \hom_{Sch}(W, \spec A) = \hom_{Rings} (A,\Gamma(W,\OO_W)) \) ) to show that given ring maps \(C \to A\) and \(C \to B\), $$ \spec (A \otimes_C B) \cong \spec A \times_{\spec C} \spec B $$ (Interpret tensor product as the "fibered coproduct" in the category of rings.) Hence the fibered product of affine schemes exists (in the category of schemes). (This generalizes the fact that the product of affine lines exist, Exercise 6.6.E(a).)

The rest of this section is category theory / representable functors that I may come back to after getting the important stuff covered.

Section 9.2 Computing fibered products in practice

Exercise 9.2.A:
Show that \(A \otimes_B B[t] \cong A[t]\), so the following is a fibered diagram. (Your argument might naturally extend to allow the addition of infinitely many variables, but we won’t need this generality.) Hint: show that \(A[t]\) satisfies an appropriate universal property. $$ \begin{CD} \spec A[t] @>>> \spec B[t] \\ @VVV @VVV \\ \spec A @>>> \spec B \end{CD} $$

Exercise 9.2.B:
Suppose \(\phi: B \to A\) is a ring morphism, and \(I \subset B\) is an ideal. Let \(I^e := \langle\phi(i)\rangle_{i \in I} \subset A\) be the extension of \(I\) to \(A\). Describe a natural isomorphism \(A/I^e \cong A \otimes_B (B/I) \). (Hint: consider \(I \to B \to B/I \to 0\), and use the right-exactness of \(\otimes_B A\), Exercise 1.3.H.)

Exercise 9.2.C:
  1. Interpret the intersection of two closed embeddings into \(X\) (cf. Exercise 8.1.J) as their fibered product over \(X\).
  2. Show that "locally closed embeddings" are preserved by base change.
  3. Define the intersection of \(n\) locally closed embeddings \(X_i \hookrightarrow Z\) (\(1 \leq i \leq n\)) by the fibered product of the \(X_i\) over \(Z\) (mapping to \(Z\)). Show that the intersection of (a finite number of) locally closed embeddings is also a locally closed embedding.

Exercise 9.2.D:
Suppose \(X\) and \(Y\) are locally of finite type \(A\)-schemes. Show that \(X \times_A Y\) is also locally of finite type over \(A\). Prove the same thing with "locally" removed from both the hypothesis and conclusion.

Exercise 9.2.E:
Show that the points of \(\spec \overline{\Q} \otimes_\Q \overline{\Q}\) are in natural bijection with \(\gal(\overline{Q}/\Q)\), and the Zariski topology on the former agrees with the profinite topology on the latter. (Some hints: first do the case of finite Galois extensions. Relate the topology on \(\spec\) of a direct limit of rings to the inverse limit of specs. Can you see which point corresponds to the identity of the Galois group?)

Exercise 9.2.F:
Suppose \(\phi:B\to A\) is a ring morphism, and \(S\subset B\) is a multiplicative subset of \(B\), which implies that \(\phi(S)\) is a multiplicative subset of \(A\). Describe a natural isomorphism \(\phi(S)^{−1}A \cong A \otimes_B (S^{−1}B)\).

Exercise 9.2.G:
Show that the following are monomorphisms (Definition 1.3.9): open embeddings, closed embeddings, and localization of affine schemes. As monomorphisms are closed under composition, Exercise 1.3.V, compositions of the above are also monomorphisms — for example, locally closed embeddings, or maps from "Spec of stalks at points of \(X\)" to \(X\). (Caution: if \(p\) is a point of a scheme \(X\), the natural morphism \(\spec \OO_{X,p} \to X\), cf. Exercise 6.3.K, is a monomorphism but is not in general an open embedding.)

Exercise 9.2.H:
Prove that \(\A^n_A \cong \A^n_\Z \times_{\spec \Z} \spec A\). Prove that \(\P^n_A \cong \P^n_\Z \times_{\spec \Z} \spec A\). Thus affine space and projective space are pulled back from their "universal manifestation" over the final object \(\spec \Z\).

Exercise 9.2.I:
Suppose \(\pi: X \to Y\) and \(\rho : X \to Y\) are morphisms of \(k\)-schemes, \(\ell/k\) is a field extension, and \(\pi_\ell : X \times_{\spec k} \spec \ell \to Y \times_{\spec k} \spec \ell\) and \(\rho_\ell : X \times_{\spec k} \spec \ell \to Y \times_{\spec k} \spec \ell\) are the induced maps of \(\ell\)-schemes. (Be sure you understand what this means!) Show that if \(\pi_\ell = \rho_\ell\) then \(\pi = \rho\). (Hint: show that \(\pi\) and \(\rho\) are the same on the level of sets. To do this, you may use that \(X\times_{\spec k} \spec \ell \to X\) is surjective, which we will soon prove in Exercise 9.4.D. Then reduce to the case where \(X\) and \(Y\) are affine.)

Exercise 9.2.J:
Suppose \(\pi: X \to Y\) is an affine morphism over \(k\), and \(\ell/k\) is a field extension. Show that \(\pi\) is a closed embedding if and only if \(\pi \times_k \ell: X \times_k \ell \to Y \times_k \ell\) is. (The affine hypothesis is not necessary for this result, but it makes the proof easier, and this is the situation in which we will most need it.)

Exercise 9.2.K:
Show that \(\spec \Q(t) \otimes_\Q \C\) has closed points in natural correspondence with the transcendental complex numbers. (If the description \(\spec \Q(t) \otimes_{\Q[t]} \C[t]\) is more striking, you can use that instead.) This scheme doesn’t come up in nature, but it is certainly neat! A related idea comes up in Remark 11.2.16.

Section 9.3: Interpretations: Pulling back families, and fibers of morphisms

Exercise 9.3.A:
Show that if \(Y \to Z\) is a continuous map of topological spaces, and \(X\) is a point \(p\) of \(Z\), then the fiber of \(Y\) over \(p\) (the set-theoretic fiber, with the induced topology) is naturally identified with \(X \times_Z Y\).

Exercise 9.3.B:
Show that the underlying topological space of the (scheme-theoretic) fiber of \(X \to Y\) above a point \(p\) is naturally identified with the topological fiber of \(X \to Y\) above \(p\).

Exercise 9.3.C:
Suppose that \(\pi: Y \to Z\) and \(\tau: X \to Z\) are morphisms, and \(p \in X\) is a point. Show that the fiber of \(X \times_Z Y \to X\) over \(p\) is (isomorphic to) the base change to \(p\) of the fiber of \(\pi : Y \to Z\) over \(\tau(p)\).

Exercise 9.3.D:
What is the scheme-theoretic fiber of \(\spec \Z[i] \to \spec \Z\) over the prime \((p)\)? Your answer will depend on \(p\), and there are four cases, corresponding to the four cases of Example 9.3.3. (Can you draw a picture?)

Exercise 9.3.E:
(This exercise will give you practice in computing a fibered product over something that is not a field.) Consider the morphism of schemes \(X = \spec k[t] \to Y = \spec k[u]\) corresponding to \(k[u] \to k[t]\), \(u \mapsto t^2\), where \(\operatorname{char} k \neq 2\). Show that \(X \times_Y X\) has two irreducible components. (What happens if \(\operatorname{char} k = 2\)? See Exercise 9.5.A for a clue.)

Exercise 9.3.F:
Define a closed subscheme \(\textrm{Bl}_{(0,0)} \A^2_k\) of \(\A^2 k \times_k \P^1_k\) as follows (see Figure 9.3). If the coordinates on \(\A^2_k\) are \(x, y\), and the projective coordinates on \(\P^1_k\) are \(u, v\), this subscheme is cut out in \(\A^2_k \times_k \P^1_k\) by the single equation \(xv = yu\). (You may wish to interpret \(\textrm{Bl}_{(0,0)} \A^2_k\) as follows. The \(\P^1_k\) parametrizes lines through the origin. The blow-up corresponds to ordered pairs of (point \(p\), line \(\ell\)) such that \((0, 0)\) and \(p\) both lie on \(l\).) Describe the fiber of the morphism \(\textrm{Bl}_{(0,0)} \A^2_k \to \P^1_k\) over each closed point of \(\P^1_k\). Show that the morphism \(\textrm{Bl}_{(0,0)} \A^2_k \to \A^2_k\) is an isomorphism away from \((0, 0) \in \A^2_k\) . Show that the fiber over \((0, 0)\) is an effective Cartier divisor (§8.4.1, a closed subscheme that is locally cut out by a single equation, which is not a zerodivisor). It is called the exceptional divisor. We will discuss blow-ups in Chapter 22. This particular example will come up in the motivating example of §22.1, and in Exercise 20.2.D.

Exercise 9.3.G:
Suppose \(\pi: X \to Y\) is an affine, finite type, generically finite morphism of locally Noetherian schemes, and \(Y\) is reduced. Show that there is an open neighborhood of each generic point of \(Y\) over which \(\pi\) is actually finite. (The hypotheses can be weakened considerably, see [Stacks, tag 02NW].) Hint: reduce to the case where \(Y\) is \(\spec B\), where \(B\) is an integral domain. Then \(X\) is affine, say \(X = \spec A\). Write \(A = B[x_1 , \dots , x_n ]/I\). Now \(A \otimes_B K(B)\) is a finite \(K(B)\)-module (finite-dimensional vector space) by hypothesis, so there are monic polynomials \(f_i(t) \in K(B)[t]\) such that \(f_i(x_i) = 0\) in \(A \otimes_B K(B)\). Let \(b\) be the product of the (finite number of) denominators appearing in the coefficients in the \(f_i(x)\). By replacing \(B\) by \(B_b\), argue that you can assume that \(f_i(t) \in B[t]\). Then \(f_i(x_i) = 0\) in \(A \otimes_B K(B)\), meaning that \(f_i(x_i)\) is annihilated by some nonzero element of \(B\). By replacing \(B\) by its localization at the product of these \(n\) nonzero elements ("shrinking \(\spec B\) further"), argue that \(f_i(x_i) = 0\) in \(A\). Then conclude.

Section 9.4: Properties preserved by base change

Exercise 9.4.A:
Show that locally principal closed subschemes (Definition 8.4.1) pull back to locally principal closed subschemes.

Exercise 9.4.B:
Show that the following properties of morphisms are preserved by base change.
  1. quasicompact
  2. quasiseperated
  3. affine morphism
  4. finite
  5. integral
  6. locally of finite type
  7. finite type
  8. locally of finite presentation
  9. finite presentation

Exercise 9.4.C:
Show that the notion of "quasifinite morphism" (finite type + finite fibers, Definition 7.3.14) is preserved by base change. (Warning: the notion of "finite fibers" is not preserved by base change. \(\spec \overline{\Q} \to \spec \Q\) has finite fibers, but \(\spec \overline{\Q} \otimes_\Q \overline{\Q} \to \spec \Q\) has one point for each element of \(\gal(\overline{\Q}/\Q)\), see Exercise 9.2.E.) Hint: reduce to the case \(\spec A \to \spec B\). Reduce to the case \(\phi : \spec A \to \spec k\). By Exercise 7.4.D, such \(\phi\) are actually finite, and finiteness is preserved by base change.

Exercise 9.4.D:
Show that surjectivity is preserved by base change. (Surjectivity has its usual meaning: surjective as a map of sets.) You may end up showing that for any fields \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) containing \(k_3\), \(k_1 \otimes_{k_3} k_2\) is nonzero, and using the Axiom of Choice to find a maximal ideal in \(k_1 \otimes_{k_3} k_2\).

Exercise 9.4.E:
Suppose \(X\) and \(Y\) are integral finite type \(\overline{k}\)-schemes. Show that \(X\times_{ \overline{k} } Y\) is an integral finite type \(\overline{k}\)-scheme. (Once we define "variety", this will become the important fact that the product of irreducible varieties over an algebraically closed field is an irreducible variety, Exercise 10.1.E. The fact that the base field \(\overline{k}\) is algebraically closed is important, see §9.5. See Exercise 9.5.M for an improvement.) Hint: reduce to the case where \(X\) and \(Y\) are both affine, say \(X = \spec A\) and \(Y = \spec B\) with \(A\) and \(B\) integral domains. You might flip ahead to Easy Exercise 9.5.L to see how to do this. Suppose \((\sum a_i \otimes b_i) (\sum a_{j}^\prime \otimes b_{j}^\prime) = 0\) in \(A \otimes_{\overline{k}} B\) with \(a_i, a_{j}^\prime \in A\), \(b_i, b_{j}^\prime \in B\), where both \(\{b_i\}\) and \(\{b_{j}^\prime\}\) are linearly independent over \(\overline{k}\), and \(a_1\) and \(a_{1^\prime}\) are nonzero. Show that \(D(a_1 a_{1}^\prime ) \subset \spec A\) is nonempty. By the Weak Nullstellensatz 3.2.4, there is a maximal \(\mm \subset A\) in \(D(a_1a_{1}^\prime ) \) with \(A/\mm = \overline{k}\). By reducing modulo \(\mm\), deduce \( \sum ( \overline{a_i} \otimes b_i) \sum( \overline{a_j} \otimes b_j) = 0\) in \(B\), where the overline indicates residue modulo \(\mm\). Show that this contradicts the fact that \(B\) is an integral domain.

Exercise 9.4.F:
If \(P\) is a property of morphisms preserved by base change and composition, and \(X \to Y\) and \(X^\prime \to Y^\prime\) are two morphisms of \(S\)-schemes with property \(P\), show that \(X \times_S X^\prime \to Y \times_S Y^\prime\) has property \(P\) as well.

Section 9.5: Properties preserved by base change

Exercise 9.5.A:
Suppose k is a field of characteristic p, so \(k(u)/k(u^p)\) is an inseparable extension. By considering \(k(u) \otimes_{k(u^p)} k(u)\), show that the notion of "reduced fibers" does not necessarily behave well under pullback. (We will soon see that this happens only in characteristic \(p\), in the presence of inseparability.)

Exercise 9.5.B:
Show that the notion of "connected (resp. irreducible, integral, reduced) geometric fibers" behaves well under base change.

Exercise 9.5.C:
Show that for the morphism \( \spec \C \to \spec \R\), all geometric fibers consist of two reduced points. (Cf. Example 9.2.3.) Thus \(\spec \C\) is a geometrically reduced but not geometrically irreducible \(\R\)-scheme.

Exercise 9.5.D:
Give examples of \(k\)-schemes that
  1. are reduced but not geometrically reduced;
  2. are connected but not geometrically connected;
  3. are integral but not geometrically integral.

Exercise 9.5.E:
Recall Example 9.3.3, the projection of the parabola \(y^2 = x\) to the \(x\)-axis, corresponding to the map of rings \(\Q[x] \to \Q[y]\), with \(x \mapsto y^2\). Show that the geometric fibers of this map are always two points, except for those geometric fibers "over \(0 = [(x)]\)". (Note that \(\spec \C \to \spec \Q[x]\) and \(\spec \overline{Q} \to \spec \Q[x]\), both corresponding to ring maps with \(x \mapsto 0\), are both geometric points "above 0&qupt;.)

Exercise 9.5.F:
  1. Suppose that \(E/F\) is a field extension, and \(A\) is an \(F\)-algebra. Show that \(A\) is a subalgebra of \(A \otimes_F E\). (Hint: think of these as vector spaces over \(F\).)
  2. Show that: \((R_b)\) implies \((R_a)\) and \((R_c)\) implies \((R_d)\)
  3. Show that: \((I_b)\) implies \((I_a)\) and \((I_c)\) implies \((I_d)\).
  4. Show that: \((C_b)\) implies \((C_a)\) and \((C_c)\) implies \((C_d)\).
Possible hint: You may use the fact that if \(Y\) is a nonempty \(F\)-scheme, then \(Y  \times_F \spec E\) is nonempty, cf. Exercise 9.4.D.

Exercise 9.5.G:
Recall from Remark 4.5.3 that the quartic curves in \(\P^2_k\) are parametrized by a \(\P^{14}\). (This will be made much more precise in §28.3.5.) Show that the points of \(\P^{14}\) corresponding to geometrically irreducible curves form an open subset. Explain the necessity of the modifier "geometrically" (even if \(k\) is algebraically closed).

Exercise 9.5.H:
Show that every point is contained in a connected component, and that connected components are closed. (Hint: see the hint for Exercise 3.6.O.)

Exercise 9.5.I:
Suppose \(\phi: X \to Y\) is open, and has nonempty connected fibers. Then \( \phi \) induces a bijection of connected components.

Exercise 9.5.J:
Show that a scheme \(X\) is disconnected if and only if there exists a function \(e \in \Gamma(X,\OO_X)\) that is an idempotent \((e^2 = e)\) distinct from 0 and 1. (Hint: if \(X\) is the disjoint union of two open sets \(X_0\) and \(X_1\), let \(e\) be the function that is \(0\) on \(X_0\) and 1 on \(X_1\). Conversely, given such an idempotent, define \(X_0 = V(e)\) and \(X_1 = V(1 − e)\).)

Exercise 9.5.K:
Suppose \(k\) is separably closed, and \(A\) and \(B\) are \(k\)-algebras, both irreducible (with irreducible \(\spec\), i.e., with one minimal prime). Show that \(A \otimes_k B\) is irreducible too. (Hint: reduce to the case where \(A\) and \(B\) are finite type over \(k\). Extend the proof of the previous proposition.)

Exercise 9.5.L:
Show that a scheme \(X\) is irreducible if and only if there exists an open cover \(X = \bigcup U_i\) with \(U_i\) irreducible for all \(i\), and \(U_i \cap U_j \neq \emptyset\) for all \(i, j\).

Exercise 9.5.M:
Suppose \(B\) is a geometrically integral \(k\)-algebra, and \(A\) is an integral \(k\)-algebra. Show that \(A \otimes_k B\) is integral. (Once we define "variety", this will imply that the product of a geometrically integral variety with an integral variety is an integral variety.) Hint: revisit the proof of Exercise 9.4.E.

Exercise 9.5.N:
Show that \((R_d)\) implies \((R_a)\), \((I_d)\) implies \((I_a)\), and \((C_d)\) implies \((C_a)\).

Exercise 9.5.O:
Suppose that \(A\) and \(B\) are two integral domains that are \(\overline{k}\)-algebras. Show that \(A \otimes_\overline{k} B\) is an integral domain.

Exercise 9.5.P:
If \(K/L\) is an extension of fields. Show that \( \spec K \to \spec L\) is universally injective if and only if \(K/L\) is purely inseparable.

Exercise 9.5.Q:
Suppose \( \pi : X \to Y \) is a morphism of schemes. Show that the following are equivalent.
  1. The morphism \(\pi\) is universally injective.
  2. For every field \(K\),the induced map \(\textrm{Hom}(\spec K,X) \to \textrm{Hom}(\spec K,Y)\) is injective.
  3. The morphism \( \pi \) is injective, and for each \(p \in X\), the field extension \(\kappa(p)/\kappa(\pi(p))\) is purely inseparable.

Exercise 9.5.R:
Show that the class of universally injective morphisms is stable under composition, base change, and products. Show that this notion is local on the target. Thus the class of universally injective morphisms is reasonable in the sense of §7.1.1.

Section 9.6: The Segre Embedding

Exercise 9.6.A:
Check that these maps glue to give a well-defined morphism \(\P^m \times_A \P^n \to \P^{mn+m+n}\).

Exercise 9.6.B:
Show that the Segre scheme (the image of the Segre embedding) is cut out (scheme-theoretically) by the equations corresponding to $$ \operatorname{rank}\, \begin{pmatrix} a_{00} & \dots & a_{0n} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{m0} & \dots & a_{mn} \end{pmatrix} = 1 $$ i.e., that all \(2 \times 2\) minors vanish. Hint: suppose you have a polynomial in the \(a_{ij}\) that becomes zero upon the substitution \(a_{ij} = x_iy_j\). Give a recipe for subtracting polynomials of the form “monomial times \(2 \times 2\) minor” so that the end result is \(0\). (The analogous question for the Veronese embedding in special cases is the content of Exercises 8.2.J and 8.2.L.)

Exercise 9.6.C:
Show that the Segre embedding can be interpreted as \(\P V \times \P W \to \P(V \otimes W)\) via the surjective map of graded rings $$ \sym^\bullet(V^\vee \otimes W^\vee) \twoheadrightarrow \bigoplus_{i=0}^\infty \Big(\sym^i V^\vee\Big) \otimes \Big(\sym^i W^\vee\Big) $$ "in the opposite direction".

Exercise 9.6.D:
Suppose that \(S_\bullet\) and \(T_\bullet\) are finitely generated graded rings over \(A\). Describe an isomorphism $$ (\proj S_\bullet) \times_A (\proj T_\bullet) \cong \proj \bigoplus_{n=0}^\infty (S_n \otimes_A T_n) $$ (where hopefully the definition of multiplication in the graded ring \(\bigoplus_{n=0}^\infty(S_n \otimes_A T_n)\) is clear).

Section 9.7: Normalization

Exercise 9.7.A:
(Recall that \(A\) is an integral domain.) Show that \(\nu: \spec \widetilde{A} \to \spec A\) satisfies the universal property of normalization. (En route, you might show that the global sections of an irreducible normal scheme are also &quop;normal", i.e., integrally closed.)

Exercise 9.7.B:
Show that normalizations of integral schemes exist in general. (Hint: Ideas from the existence of fibered products, §9.1, may help.)

Exercise 9.7.C:
Show that normalizations are integral and surjective. (Hint for surjectivity: the Lying Over Theorem, see §7.2.6.)

Exercise 9.7.D:
Explain (by defining a universal property) how to extend the notion of normalization to the case where \(X\) is a reduced scheme, with possibly more than one component, but under the hypothesis that every affine open subset of \(X\) has finitely many irreducible components. Note that this includes all locally Noetherian schemes. (If you wish, you can show that the normalization exists in this case. See [Stacks, tag 035Q] for more.)

Exercise 9.7.E:
Suppose that \(\operatorname{char}\, k \neq 2\). Show that \(\spec k[t] \to \spec k[x, y]/(y^2 − x^2(x + 1))\) given by \((x, y) \mapsto (t^2 − 1, t(t^2 − 1))\) (see Figure 7.4) is a normalization. The target curve is called the nodal cubic curve. (Hint: show that \(k[t]\) and \(k[x, y]/(y^2 − x^2 (x + 1))\) have the same fraction field. Show that \(k[t]\) is integrally closed. Show that \(k[t]\) is contained in the integral closure of \(k[x, y]/(y^2 − x^2 (x + 1))\).)

Exercise 9.7.F:
Find the normalization of the cusp \(y^2 = x^3\) (see Figure 9.4). ("Cusp" will be formally defined in Definition 29.3.3.)

Exercise 9.7.G:
Suppose \(\operatorname{char}\, k \neq 2\). Find the normalization of the tacnode \(y^2 = x^4\), and draw a picture analogous to Figure 9.4. ("Tacnode" will be formally defined in Definition 29.3.3.)

Exercise 9.7.H:
Suppose \(X = \spec \Z[15i]\). Describe the normalization \(\widetilde{X} \to X\). (Hint: \(\Z[i]\) is a unique factorization domain, §5.4.6(0), and hence is integrally closed by Exercise 5.4.F.) Over what points of \(X\) is the normalization not an isomorphism?

Exercise 9.7.I:
Suppose \(X\) is an integral scheme. The normalization \(\nu : \widetilde{X} \to X\) of \(X\) in a given algebraic field extension \(L\) of the function field \(K(X)\) of \(X\) is a dominant morphism from a normal integral scheme \(\widetilde{X}\) with function field \(L\), such that \( \nu \) induces the inclusion \(K(X) \hookrightarrow L\), and that is universal with respect to this property. Show that the normalization in a finite extenison of fields exists.

Exercise 9.7.J:
Suppose \(X = \spec \Z\) (with function field \(\Q\)). Find its integral closure in the field extension \(\Q(i)\). (There is no "geometric" way to do this; it is purely an algebraic problem, although the answer should be understood geometrically.)

Exercise 9.7.K:
Find the ring of integers in \(\Q(\sqrt{n})\), where \(n\) is square-free and \(n \equiv 3 (\mod 4)\). (Hint: Exercise 5.4.I(a), where you will also be able to figure out the answer for square-free \(n\) in general.)

Exercise 9.7.L:
Suppose \(\operatorname{char}\, k \neq 2\) for convenience (although it isn’t necessary).
  1. Suppose \(X = \spec k[x]\) (with function field \(k(x)\)). Find its normalization in the field extension \(k(y)\), where \(y^2 = x^2 + x\). (Again we get a Dedekind domain.) Hint: this can be done without too much pain. Show that \(\spec k[x, y]/(x^2 + x − y^2 )\) is normal, possibly by identifying it as an open subset of \(\P^1_k\), or possibly using Exercise 5.4.H.
  2. Suppose \(X = \P^1\), with distinguished open \(\spec k[x]\). Find its normalization in the field extension \(k(x, y)\), where \(y^2 = x^2 + x\). (Part (a) involves computing the normalization over one affine open set; now figure out what happens over the "other" affine open set, and how to glue.)

Exercise 9.7.M:
  1. Show that if \(X\) is an integral finite type \(k\)-scheme, then its normalization \(\nu : \widetilde{X} \to X\) is a finite morphism.
  2. Suppose \(X\) is a locally Noetherian integral scheme. Show that if \(X\) is normal, then the normalization in a finite separable field extension is a finite morphism. Show that if \(X\) is an integral finite type \(k\)-scheme, then the normalization in a finite extension of fields is a finite morphism. In particular, once we define "variety" (Definition 10.1.7), you will see that this implies that the normalization of a variety (including in a finite field extension) is a variety

Exercise 9.7.N:
Show that if \(X\) is an integral finite type \(k\)-scheme, then the normalization morphism is birational. (Hint: Proposition 6.5.7; or solve Exercise 9.7.O first.)

Exercise 9.7.O:
Suppose that \(X\) is an integral finite type \(k\)-scheme. Show that the normalization map of \(X\) is an isomorphism on an open dense subset of \(X\). Hint: Proposition 6.5.5.

Exercise 9.7.P:
Suppose \(\rho: Z \to X\) is a finite birational morphism from an irreducible variety to an irreducible normal variety. Show that \(\rho\) extends to an isomorphism.

Thanks for reading! 😁