Solutions to The Rising Sea (Vakil)

Chapter 8

☆ A number of solutions are adaped from Howard Nuer's own solutions to his Technion 2019 Algebraic Geometry course. I will later go through and accredit the exercises where his approach is used.

Section 8.1: Closed embeddings and closed subschemes

Exercise 8.1.A:
Show that a closed embedding identifies the topological space of \(X\) with a closed subset of the topological space of \(Y\). (Caution: The closed embeddings \(\spec k[x]/(x) \hookrightarrow \spec k[x]\) and \(\spec k[x]/(x^2 ) \hookrightarrow \spec k[x]\) show that the closed subset does not determine the closed subscheme. The "infinitesimal" information, or "fuzz", is lost.)

Exercise 8.1.B:
Show that closed embeddings are finite morphisms, hence of finite type.

Exercise 8.1.C:
Show that the composition of two closed embeddings is a closed embedding.

Exercise 8.1.D:
Show that the property of being a closed embedding is affine-local on the target.

Exercise 8.1.E:
Suppose \(B \to A\) is a surjection of rings. Show that the induced morphism \(\spec A \to \spec B\) is a closed embedding. (Our definition would be a terrible one if this were not true!)

Exercise 8.1.F:
Let \( X = \spec k[x]_{(x)} \), the germ of the affine line at the origin, which has two points, the closed point and the generic point \( \eta \). Define \( \mathscr{I}(X) = \{ 0 \} \subset \OO_X(X) = k[x]_{(x)} \), and \( \mathscr{I}(\eta) = k(x) = \OO_X(\eta) \). Show that this sheaf of ideals does not correspond to a closed subscheme. (Possible approach: do the next exercise first.)

Exercise 8.1.G:
Suppose \(\mathscr{I}_{X/Y}\) is a sheaf of ideals corresponding to a closed embedding \(X \hookrightarrow Y\). Suppose \(\spec B \hookrightarrow Y\) is an affine open subscheme, and \(f \in B\). Show that the natural map \(I(B)_f \to I(B_f)\) is an isomorphism. (First state what the "natural map" is!)

Exercise 8.1.H:
Suppose \(Y\) is a scheme, and for each affine open subset \(\spec B\) of \(Y\), \(I(B) \subset B\) is an ideal. Suppose further that for each affine open subset \(\spec B \hookrightarrow Y\) and each \(f \in B\), restriction of functions from \(B \to B_f\) induces an isomorphism \(I(B_f) \cong I(B)_f\). Show that these data arise from a (unique) closed subscheme \(X \hookrightarrow Y\) by the above construction. In other words, the closed embeddings \(\spec B/I \hookrightarrow \spec B\) glue together in a well-defined manner to obtain a closed embedding \(X \hookrightarrow Y\).

Exercise 8.1.I:
  1. Suppose \(Y\) is a scheme, and \(s \in \Gamma (Y, \OO_Y )\). Define the closed subscheme cut out by \(s\). We call this the vanishing scheme \(V(s)\) of \(s\), as it is the scheme-theoretic version of our earlier (set-theoretical) version of \(V(s)\) (§3.4). (Hint: on affine open \(\spec B\), we just take \(\spec B/(s_B )\), where \(s_B\) is the restriction of \(s\) to \(\spec B\). Use Exercise 8.1.H to show that this yields a well-defined closed subscheme.)
  2. If \(u\) is an invertible function, show that \(V(s) = V(su)\).
  3. If \(S\) is a set of functions, define \(V(S)\).

Exercise 8.1.J:
  1. In analogy with closed subsets, define the notion of a finite union of closed subschemes of \(X\), and an arbitrary (not necessarily finite) intersection of closed subschemes of \(X\). (Exercise 8.1.H may help.) Hint: If \(X\) is affine, then you might expect that the union of closed subschemes corresponding to \(I_1\) and \(I_2\) would be the closed subscheme corresponding to either \(I_1 \cap I_2\) or \(I_1 I_2\) — but which one? We would want the union of a closed subscheme with itself to be itself, so the right choice is \(I_1 \cap I_2\).
  2. Describe the scheme-theoretic intersection of \(V(y − x^2)\) and \(V(y)\) in \(\A^2\). See Figure 4.5 for a picture. (For example, explain informally how this corresponds to two curves meeting at a single point with multiplicity 2 — notice how the 2 is visible in your answer. Alternatively, what is the nonreducedness telling you — both its "size" and its "direction"?) Describe their scheme-theoretic union.
  3. Show that the underlying set of a finite union of closed subschemes is the finite union of the underlying sets, and similarly for arbitrary intersections.
  4. Describe the scheme-theoretic intersection of \(V(y^2 − x^2)\) and \(V(y)\) in \(\A^2\). Draw a picture. (Did you expect the intersection to have multiplicity one or multiplicity two?) Hence show that if \(X, Y\), and \(Z\) are closed subschemes of \(W\), then \((X \cap Z) \cup (Y \cap Z) \neq (X \cup Y) \cap Z\) in general. In particular, not all properties of intersection and union carry over from sets to schemes.

Exercise 8.1.K:
In the literature, the usual definition of a closed embedding is a morphism \(\pi: X \to Y\) such that \( \pi \) induces a homeomorphism of the underlying topological space of \(X\) onto a closed subset of the topological space of \(Y\), and the induced map \(\pi^\sharp : \OO_Y \to \pi_\ast \OO_X\) of sheaves on \(Y\) is surjective. (By "surjective" we mean that the ring homomorphism on stalks is surjective.) Show that this definition agrees with the one given above. (To show that our definition involving surjectivity on the level of affine open sets implies this definition, you can use the fact that surjectivity of a morphism of sheaves can be checked on a suitably chosen base, Exercise 2.5.E.)

Exercise 8.1.L:
Show that locally closed embeddings are locally of finite type

Exercise 8.1.M:
Suppose \(V \to X\) is a morphism. Consider three conditions:
  1. \(V\) is the intersection of an open subscheme of \(X\) and a closed subscheme of \(X\) (you will have to define the meaning of "intersection" here, see Exercise 7.1.B, or else see the hint below).
  2. \(V\) is an open subscheme of a closed subscheme of \(X\), i.e., it factors into an open embedding followed by a closed embedding.
  3. \(V\) is a closed subscheme of an open subscheme of \(X\), i.e., \(V\) is a locally closed embedding.
Show that (i) and (ii) are equivalent, and both imply (iii). (Remark: (iii) does not always imply (i) and (ii), see the pathological example [Stacks, tag 01QW].) Hint: It may be helpful to think of the problem as follows. You might hope to think of a locally closed embedding as a fibered diagram $$ \begin{CD} V @>{open\ embedding}>> K \\ @V{closed\ embedding}VV @VV{closed\ embedding}V \\ U @>>{open\ embedding}> X \end{CD} $$ Interpret (i) as the existence of the diagram. Interpret (ii) as this diagram minus the lower left corner. Interpret (iii) as the diagram minus the upper right corner.

Exercise 8.1.N:
Show that the composition of two locally closed embeddings is a locally closed embedding. (Hint: you might use (ii) implies (iii) in the previous exercise.)

Section 8.2: More Projective Geometry

Exercise 8.2.A:
  1. Show that \(wz = xy\), \(x^2 = wy\), \(y^2 = xz\) describes an irreducible subscheme in \(\P^3_k\). In fact it is a curve, a notion we will define once we know what dimension is. This curve is called the twisted cubic. (The twisted cubic is a good nontrivial example of many things, so you should make friends with it as soon as possible. It implicitly appeared earlier in Exercise 3.6.F.)
  2. Show that the twisted cubic is isomorphic to \(\P^1_k\).

Exercise 8.2.B:
Suppose that \(S_\bullet \twoheadrightarrow R_\bullet\) is a surjection of graded rings. Show that the domain of the induced morphism (Exercise 6.4.A) is \(\proj R_\bullet\), and that the induced morphism \(\proj R_\bullet \to \proj S_\bullet\) is a closed embedding.

Exercise 8.2.C:
Suppose that \(X \hookrightarrow \proj S_\bullet\) is a closed embedding in a projective \(A\)-scheme (where \(S_\bullet\) is a finitely generated graded \(A\)-algebra). Show that \(X\) is projective by describing it as \(\proj(S_\bullet/I)\), where \(I\) is a homogeneous ideal, of "projective functions" vanishing on \(X\). Many find this easier if \(S_\bullet\) is generated in degree 1, and this case is the most important, so you may wish to deal only with this case. (Another approach to this problem is given in Exercise 15.4.H.)

Exercise 8.2.D:
Show that an injective linear map of \(k\)-vector spaces \(V \hookrightarrow W\) induces a closed embedding \(\P V \hookrightarrow \P W\). (This is another justification for the definition of \(\P V\) in Example 4.5.12 in terms of the dual of \(V\).)

Exercise 8.2.E:
Suppose \(X \subset \P^n_k\) is a degree \(d\) hypersurface cut out by \(f = 0\), and \( \ell \) is a line not contained in \(X\). A very special case of Bézout’s Theorem (Exercise 18.6.K) implies that \(X\) and \(\ell\) meet with multiplicity \(d\), "counted correctly". Make sense of this, by restricting the homogeneous degree \(d\) polynomial \(f\) to the line \(\ell\), and using the fact that a degree \(d\) polynomial in \(k[x]\) has \(d\) roots, counted properly. (If it makes you feel better, assume \(k = \overline{k}\).)

Exercise 8.2.F:
Show that the map of graded rings \(k[w, x, y, z] \to k[s, t]\) given by \((w, x, y, z) \mapsto (s^3, s^2t, st^2, t^3)\) induces a closed embedding \(\P^1_k \hookrightarrow \P^3_k\), which yields an isomorphism of \(\P^1_k\) with the twisted cubic (defined in Exercise 8.2.A — in fact, this will solve Exercise 8.2.A(b)). Doing this in a hands-on way will set you up well for the general Veronese construction of §8.2.6; see Exercise 8.2.J for a generalization.

Exercise 8.2.G:
Show that if \(S_\bullet\) is generated (as an \(A\)-algebra) in degree 1 by \(n+1\) elements \(x_0 , \dots , x_n\) , then \(\proj S_\bullet\) may be described as a closed subscheme of \(\P^n_A\) as follows. Consider \(A^{\oplus (n+1)}\) as a free module with generators \(t_0 , \dots , t_n\) associated to \(x_0, \dots, x_n\). The surjection of $$ \sym^\bullet (A^{\oplus (n+1)} ) = A[t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n] \twoheadrightarrow S_\bullet $$ $$ t_i \mapsto x_i $$ implies \(S_\bullet = A[t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n]/I\), where \(I\) is a homogeneous ideal. (In particular, \(\proj S_\bullet\) can always be interpreted as a closed subscheme of some \(\P^n_A\) if \(S_\bullet\) is finitely generated in degree 1. Then using Exercises 6.4.D and 6.4.G, you can remove the hypothesis of generation in degree 1.)

Exercise 8.2.H:
Suppose \(S_\bullet\) is a finitely generated graded ring over an algebraically closed field \(k\), generated in degree 1 by \(x_0, \dots, x_n\), inducing closed embeddings \(\proj S_\bullet \hookrightarrow \P^n\) and \(\spec S_\bullet \hookrightarrow \A^{n+1}\) . Give a bijection between the closed points of \(\proj S_\bullet\) and the "lines through the origin" in \(\spec S_\bullet \subset \A^{n+1}\)

Exercise 8.2.I:
Let \(u=x^2,v=xy,w=y^2\). Show that \(S_{2\bullet} \cong k[u,v,w] /(uw−v^2)\), by mapping \(u, v, w\) to \(x^2, xy, y^2\), respectively.

Exercise 8.2.J:
We continue to take \(S_\bullet = k[x, y]\). Show that \(\proj S_{d\bullet}\) is given by the equations that $$ \begin{pmatrix} y_0 & y_1 & \dots & y_{d-1} \\ y_1 & y_2 & \dots & y_d \end{pmatrix} $$ is rank 1 (i.e., that all the \(2 \times 2\) minors vanish). This is called the degree \(d\) rational normal curve "in" \(\P^d\). You did the twisted cubic case \(d = 3\) in Exercises 8.2.A and 8.2.F.

Exercise 8.2.K:
Show that \( N = {{n+d}\choose {d}} \)

Exercise 8.2.L:
Find six linearly independent quadratic equations vanishing on the Veronese surface \(\proj S_{2\bullet}\) where \(S_\bullet = k[x_0, x_1, x_2]\), which sits naturally in \(\P^5\). (You needn’t show that these equations generate all the equations cutting out the Veronese surface, although this is in fact true.) Possible hint: use the identity $$ \det \begin{pmatrix} x_0x_0 & x_0 x_1 & x_0 x_2 \\ x_1 x_0 & x_1 x_1 & x_1 x_2 \\ x_2 x_0 & x_2 x_1 & x_2 x_2 \end{pmatrix} = 0 $$

Exercise 8.2.M:
This exercise is about the lines on the quadric surface \(X\) given by \(wz − xy = 0\) in \(\P^3_k\) (where the projective coordinates on \(\P^3_k\) are ordered \(w, x, y, z\)). This construction arises all over the place in nature.
  1. Suppose \(a_0\) and \(b_0\) are given elements of \(k\), not both zero. Make sense of the statement: as \([c, d]\) varies in \(\P_1\), \([a_0c, b_0c, a_0d, b_0d]\) is a line in the quadric surface. (This describes "a family of lines parametrized by \(\P^1\)", although we can’t yet make this precise.) Find another family of lines. These are the two rulings of the smooth quadric surface.
  2. Show that through every \(k\)-valued point of the quadric surface \(X\), there passes one line from each ruling.
  3. Show there are no other lines. (There are many ways of proceeding. At risk of predisposing you to one approach, here is a germ of an idea. Suppose \(L\) is a line on the quadric surface, and \([1, x, y, z]\) and \([1, x^\prime, y^\prime, z^\prime]\) are distinct points on it. Because they are both on the quadric, \(z = xy\) and \(z^\prime = x^\prime y^\prime\). Because all of \(L\) is on the quadric, \((1+t)(z+tz^\prime)−(x+tx^\prime)(y+ty^\prime) = 0\) for all \(t\). Aftersome algebraic manipulation, this translates into \((x − x^\prime)(y − y^\prime) = 0\). How can this be made watertight? Another possible approach uses Bézout’s Theorem, in the form of Exercise 8.2.E.)

Exercise 8.2.N:
Show that \(\P(m, n)\) is isomorphic to \(\P^1\). Show that \(\P(1, 1, 2) \cong \proj k[u, v, w, z]/(uw − v^2 )\). Hint: do this by looking at the even-graded parts of \(k[x_0 , x_1 , x_2 ]\), cf. Exercise 6.4.D. (This is a projective cone over a conic curve. Over a field of characteristic not 2, it is isomorphic to the traditional cone \(x^2 + y^2 = z^2\) in \(\P^3\), see Figure 8.3.)

Exercise 8.2.O:
If \(\proj S_\bullet\) is a projective scheme over a field \(k\), describe a natural morphism \(\spec S_\bullet \backslash V(S_+) \to \proj S_\bullet\). (Can you see why \(V(S_+)\) is a single point, and should reasonably be called the origin?)

Exercise 8.2.P:
If \(S_\bullet\) is a finitely generated graded ring over a base ring \(A\), describe a natural morphism \(\spec S_\bullet \backslash V(S_+) \to \proj S_\bullet\).

Exercise 8.2.Q:
Show that the "projective cone" \(\proj S_\bullet [T]\) of \(\proj S_\bullet\) has a closed subscheme isomorphic to \(\proj S_\bullet\) (informally, corresponding to \(T = 0\)), whose complement (the distinguished open set \(D(T)\)) is isomorphic to the affine cone \(\spec S_\bullet\) .

Section 8.3: The (closed sub)scheme-theoretic image

Exercise 8.3.A:
If \(X\) is reduced, show that the scheme-theoretic image of \(\pi: X \to Y\) is also reduced.

Exercise 8.3.B:
If \(\pi: X \to Y\) is a quasicompact morphism of locally Noetherian schemes, show that the associated points of the image sub-scheme are a subset of the image of the associated points of \(X\). (The example of \(\coprod \spec \C[t]/(t − a) \to \spec \C[t]\) shows what can go wrong if you give up quasicompactness — note that reducedness of the source doesn’t help.) Hint: reduce to the case where \(X\) and \(Y\) are affine. (Can you develop your geometric intuition so that this becomes plausible to you?)

Exercise 8.3.C:
If a locally closed embedding \(V \to X\) is quasicompact (e.g., if \(V\) is Noetherian, Exercise 7.3.B(a)), or if \(V\) is reduced, show that (iii) implies (i) and (ii) in Exercise 8.1.M. Thus in this fortunate situation, a locally closed embed- ding can be thought of in three different ways, whichever is convenient. (Hint: Corollary 8.3.5.)

Exercise 8.3.D:
If \(\pi: X \to Y\) is a locally closed embedding into a locally Noetherian scheme (so \(X\) is also locally Noetherian), then the associated points of the scheme-theoretic closure are (naturally in bijection with) the associated points of \(X\). (Hint: Exercise 8.3.B.) Informally, we get no nonreduced structure on the scheme-theoretic closure not "forced by" that on X.

Exercise 8.3.E:
Show that all three definitions are the same.

Exercise 8.3.F:
Show that the underlying set of the induced reduced subscheme \(X \to Y\) is indeed the closed subset \(X^{set}\). Show that \(X\) is reduced.

Exercise 8.3.G:
Show that this alternative definition is indeed equivalent to the actual one.

Section 8.4: Effective Cartier divisors, regular sequences and regular embeddings

Exercise 8.4.A:
Suppose \(t \in A\) is a non-zerodivisor. Show that \(t\) is a non-zerodivisor in \(A_\pp\) for each prime \(\pp\).

Exercise 8.4.B:
Suppose \(X\) is a locally Noetherian scheme, and t ∈ Γ(X,OX) is a function on it. Show that \(t\) (or more precisely the closed subscheme \(V(t)\)) is an effective Cartier divisor if and only if it doesn’t vanish on any associated point of \(X\).

Exercise 8.4.C:
Suppose \( V(t) = V(t^\prime) \hookrightarrow \spec A \) is an effective Cartier divisor, with \( t \) and \( t^\prime \) non-zero divisors in \(A\). Show that \(t\) is an invertible function times \(t^\prime\).

Exercise 8.4.D:
If \(M\) is an \(A\)-module, show that an \(M\)-regular sequence continues to satisfy condition (i) of the Definition 8.4.4 of regular sequence upon any localization.

Exercise 8.4.E:
If \(x, y\) is an \(M\)-regular sequence, show that \(x^N, y\) is an \(M\)-regular sequence. Hint: the difficult part is showing that \(y\) is not a zerodivisor of \(M/(x^N M)\). Show this by induction on \(N\). If \(y\) is a zerodivisor of \(M/(x^N M)\), then \(ym \equiv 0 (\mod x^N)\) for some \(m \in M \ x^N M\). Hence \(ym = x^Nk\) for some \(k \in M\). Use the fact that \(x, y\) is a regular sequence to show that \(m\) is a multiple of \(x\). (Your argument will easily extend to show more generally that if \(x_1 , \dots , x_n\) is a regular sequence, and \( a_1, \dots, a_n \in \Z^+ \), then \( x_1^{a_1}, \dots, x_n^{a_n} \) is a regular sequence.)

Exercise 8.4.F:
Prove Theorem 8.4.6. (Hint: show it first in the case of a reordering where only two adjacent \(x_i\) are swapped, using the \(r = 2\) case just discussed.) Where are the Noetherian hypotheses used?

Exercise 8.4.G:
Show that if a locally closed embedding \(\pi: X \hookrightarrow Y\) of locally Noetherian schemes is a regular embedding at \(p\), then it is a regular embedding in some open neighborhood of \(\pp\) in \(X\). Hint: reduce to the case where \( \pi \) is a closed embedding, and then where \(Y\) (hence X) is affine — say \(Y = \spec B\), \(X = \spec B/I\), and \(p = [\pp]\) — and there are \(f_1, \dots,f_r\) such that in \(\OO_{Y,\pp}\), the images of the \(f_i\) are a regular sequence generating \(I_p\). We wish to show that \((f_1, \dots , f_r) = I\) "in an open neighborhood of p". Prove the following fact in algebra: if \(I\) and \(J\) are ideals of a Noetherian ring \(A\), and \(\pp \subset A\) is a prime ideal such that \(I_\pp = J_\pp\), show that there exists \(a\in A \backslash \pp \) such that \(I_a =J_a\) in \(A_a\). To do this, show that it suffices to consider the special case \(I \subset J\), by considering \(I \cap J\) and \(J\) instead of \(I\) and \(J\). To show this special case, let \(K = J/I\), a finitely generated module, and show that if \(K_\pp =0 \) then \(K_a =0 \) for some \(a\in A\backslash \pp\).

Exercise 8.4.H:
Show that a closed embedding \(X \hookrightarrow Y\) of locally Noetherian schemes is a regular embedding of codimension 1 if and only if \(X\) is an effective Cartier divisor on \(Y\). Unimportant remark: the Noetherian hypotheses can be replaced by requiring \(\OO_Y\) to be coherent, and essentially the same argument applies. It is interesting to note that "effective Cartier divisor" implies "regular embedding of codimension 1" always, but that the converse argument requires Noetherian(-like) assumptions. (See [MO129242] for a counterexample to the converse.)

Thanks for reading! 😁