Solutions to The Rising Sea (Vakil)

Chapter 6

☆ A number of solutions are adaped from Howard Nuer's own solutions to his Technion 2019 Algebraic Geometry course. I will later go through and accredit the exercises where his approach is used.

Section 6.1: Introduction

There are no exercises in this section, just commentary.

Section 6.2: Morphisms of ringed spaces

Exercise 6.2.A:
Suppose \((X, \OO_X)\) and \((Y,\OO_Y)\) are ringed spaces, \(X=\bigcup_i U_i \) is an open cover of \(X\), and we have morphisms of ringed spaces \(\pi_i : U_i \to Y\) that "agree on the overlaps", i.e., \( \pi_i\vert_{U_i\cap U_j} = \pi_j\vert{U_i \cap U_j} \). Show that there is a unique morphism of ringed spaces \(\pi : X \to Y\) such that \(π\vert_{U_i} = \pi_i\). (Exercise 2.2.F essentially showed this for topological spaces.)

Exercise 6.2.B:
Given a morphism of ringed spaces \(\pi: X \to Y\), show that sheaf pushforward induces a functor \(\Mod{\OO_X} \to \Mod{\OO_Y}\).

Exercise 6.2.C:
Given a morphism of ringed spaces \(\pi: X \to Y\) with \(\pi(p) = q\), show that there is a map of stalks \((\OO_Y)_q \to (\OO_X)_p \).

Exercise 6.2.D:
Suppose \(\pi^\sharp : B \to A\) is a morphism of rings. Define a morphism of ringed spaces \(\pi : \spec A \to \spec B\) as follows. The map of topological spaces was given in Exercise 3.4.H. To describe a morphism of sheaves \(\OO_{\spec B} \to \pi_\ast \OO_{\spec A}\) on \(\spec B\), it suffices to describe a morphism of sheaves on the distinguished base of \(\spec B\). On \(D(g) \subset \spec B\), we define $$ \OO_{\spec B}(D(g)) \to \OO_{\spec A}( \pi^{-1} D(g) ) = \OO_{\spec A} (D(\pi^\sharp g) ) $$ by \(B_g \to A_{\pi^\sharp g}\). Verify that this makes sense (e.g., is independent of \(g\)), and that this describes a morphism of sheaves on the distinguished base. (This is the third in a series of exercises. We saw that a morphism of rings induces a map of sets in §3.2.9, a map of topological spaces in Exercise 3.4.H, and now a map of ringed spaces here.)

Exercise 6.2.E:
Recall (Exercise 3.4.K) that \(\spec k[y]_{(y)} \) has two points, \([(0)]\) and \([(y)]\), where the second point is closed, and the first is not. Describe a map of ringed spaces \(\spec k(x) \to \spec k[y]_{(y)} \) sending the unique point of \(\spec k(x)\) to the closed point \([(y)]\), where the pullback map on global sections sends \(k\) to \(k\) by the identity, and sends \(y\) to \(x\). Show that this map of ringed spaces is not of the form described in Key Exercise 6.2.D.

Section 6.3: From locally ringed spaces to morphisms of schemes

Exercise 6.3.A:
Show that morphisms of locally ringed spaces glue (cf. Exercise 6.2.A). (Hint: your solution to Exercise 6.2.A may work without change.)

Exercise 6.3.B:
  1. Show that \(\spec A\) is a locally ringed space. (Hint: Exercise 4.3.F.)
  2. Show that the morphism of ringed spaces \( \pi : \spec A \to \spec B \) defined by a ring morphism \(\pi^\sharp : B \to A\) (Exercise 6.2.D) is a morphism of locally ringed spaces.

Exercise 6.3.C:
Show that a morphism of schemes \(\pi: X \to Y\) is a morphism of ringed spaces that looks locally like morphisms of affine schemes. Precisely, if \(\spec A\) is an affine open subset of \(X\) and \(\spec B\) is an affine open subset of \(Y\), and \(\pi(\spec A) \subset \spec B\), then the induced morphism of ringed spaces is a morphism of affine schemes. (In case it helps, note: if \(W \subset X\) and \(Y \subset Z\) are both open embeddings of ringed spaces, then any morphism of ringed spaces \(X \to Y\) induces a morphism of ringed spaces \(W \to Z\), by composition \(W \to X\to Y \to Z\).) Show that it suffices to check on a set (\(\spec A_i , \spec B_i \)) where the \(\spec A_i\) form an open cover of \(X\) and the \(\spec B_i\) form an open cover of \(Y\).

Exercise 6.3.D:
Show that the category of rings and the opposite category of affine schemes are equivalent (see §1.2.21 to read about equivalence of categories).

Exercise 6.3.E:
(This exercise can give you some practice with understanding morphisms of schemes by cutting up into affine open sets.) Make sense of the following sentence: "\(\A^{n+1}_k \backslash \{ 0 \} \to \P^n_k\) given by $$ (x_0, x_1, \dots, x_n) \to [x_0, x_1, \dots, x_n] $$ is a morphism of schemes." Caution: you can’t just say where points go; you have to say where functions go. So you may have to divide these up into affines, and describe the maps, and check that they glue. (Can you generalize to the case where \(k\) is replaced by a general ring \(B\)? See Exercise 6.3.M for an answer.)

Exercise 6.3.F:
Show that morphisms \( X \to \spec A \) are in natural bijection with ring morphisms \( A \to \Gamma(X, \OO_X) \). Hint: Show that this is true when \(X\) is affine. Use the fact that morphisms glue, Exercise 6.3.A. (This is even true in the category of locally ringed spaces. You are free to prove it in this generality, but it is easier in the category of schemes.)

Exercise 6.3.G:
Show that this definition of \(A\)-scheme given in §6.3.7 agrees with the earlier definition of §5.3.6.

Exercise 6.3.H:
If \(S_\bullet \) is a finitely generated graded \(A\)-algebra, describe a natural "structure morphism" \(\proj S_\bullet \to \spec A\).

Exercise 6.3.I:
Show that \(\spec \Z\) is the final object in the category of schemes. In other words, if \(X\) is any scheme, there exists a unique morphism to \(\spec \Z\). (Hence the category of schemes is isomorphic to the category of \(\Z\)-schemes.) If \(k\) is a field, show that \(\spec k\) is the final object in the category of \(k\)-schemes.

Exercise 6.3.J:
  1. Suppose \(p\) is a point of a scheme \(X\). Describe a canonical (choice-free) morphism \(\spec \OO_{X,p} \to X\). (Hint: do this for affine \(X\) first. But then for general \(X\) be sure to show that your morphism is independent of choice.)
  2. Define a canonical morphism \(\spec \kappa(p) \to X\). (This is often written \(p \to X\); one gives \(p\) the obvious interpretation as a scheme, \(\spec \kappa(p)\).)

Exercise 6.3.K:
Suppose \(X\) is a scheme, and \((A, \mm)\) is a local ring. Suppose we have a scheme morphism \(\pi : \spec A \to X\) sending \([\mm]\) to \(\pp\). Show that any open set containing \(\pp\) contains the image of \(\pi\). Show that there is a bijection between \(\textrm{Mor}\,(\spec A, X)\) and $$ \{ p \in X, \textrm{local}\ \textrm{homeomorphisms}\ \OO_{X, p} \to A \}. $$ (Possible hint: Exercise 6.3.J(a))

Exercise 6.3.L:
  1. (easy) Show that a morphism of schemes \(X \to Y\) induces a map of \(Z\)-valued points \(X(Z) \to Y(Z)\).
  2. Note that morphisms of schemes \(X \to Y\) are not determined by their "underlying" map of points. (What is an example?) Show that they are determined by their induced maps of \(Z\)-valued points, as \(Z\) varies over all schemes. (Hint: pick \(Z = X\). In the course of doing this exercise, you will largely prove Yoneda’s Lemma in the guise of Exercise 9.1.C.)

Exercise 6.3.M<:
  1. Suppose \(B\) is a ring. If \(X\) is a \(B\)-scheme, and \(f_0, \dots, f_n\) are \(n + 1\) functions on \(X\) with no common zeros, then show that \([f_0, \dots , f_n]\) gives a morphism of \(B\)-schemes \(X \to \P^n_B\).
  2. Suppose \(g\) is a nowhere vanishing function on \(X\), and \(f_i\) are as in part (a). Show that the morphisms \([f_0,\dots,f_n]\) and \([gf_0,\dots,gf_n]\) to \(\P^n_B\) are the same.

Exercise 6.3.N:
Recall the analytification construction of Exercise 5.3.G. For each morphism of reduced finite type \(\C\)-schemes \(\pi : X \to Y\) (over \(C\)), define a morphism of complex analytic prevarieties \(\pi_{an} : X_{an} \to Y_{an}\) (the analytification of \(\pi\)). Show that analytification gives a functor from the category of reduced finite type \(\C\)-schemes to the category of complex analytic prevarieties. (Remark: Two nonisomorphic varieties can have isomorphic analytifications. For example, Serre described two different algebraic structures on the complex manifold \(\C_\ast \times \C_\ast\), see [Ha2, p. 232] and [MO68421]; one is "the obvious one", and the other is a \(\P_1\)-bundle over an elliptic curve, with a section removed. For an example of a smooth complex surface with infinitely many algebraic structures, see §19.11.3. On the other hand, a compact complex variety can have only one algebraic structure (see [Se3, §19]).)

Section 6.4: Maps of graded rings and maps of projective schemes

Exercise 6.4.A:
Suppose that \(\phi: S_\bullet \to R_\bullet\) is a morphism of \((\Z_{\geq 0})\)-graded rings. (By map of graded rings, we mean a map of rings that preserves the grading as a map of "graded semigroups" (or "graded monoids"). In other words, there is a \(d > 0\) such that \(S_n\) maps to \(R_{dn}\) for all \(n\).) Show that this induces a morphism of schemes \( (\proj R_\bullet ) \backslash V (\phi(S_+ )) \to \proj S_\bullet \) . (Hint: Suppose \(f\) is a homogeneous element of \(S_+\). Define a map \(D(\phi(f)) \to D(f)\). Show that they glue together (as \(f\) runs over all homogeneous elements of \(S_+\)). Show that this defines a map from all of \(\proj R_\bullet \backslash V(\phi(S_+)) \) .) In particular, if $$ V(\phi(S_+)) = \emptyset $$ then we have a morphism \(\proj R_bullet \to \proj S_\bullet\). From your solution, it will be clear that if \(\phi\) is furthermore a morphism of \(A\)-algebras, then the induced morphism \(\proj R_\bullet \backslash V (\phi(S_\bullet )) \to \proj S_\bullet \) is a morphism of \(A\)-schemes.

Exercise 6.4.B:
Show that if \(\phi: S_\bullet \to R_\bullet\) satisfies \( \sqrt{(\phi(S_+))} = R_+\), then hypothesis ( is satisfied. (Hint: Exercise 4.5.I.) This algebraic formulation of the more geometric hypothesis can sometimes be easier to verify.

Exercise 6.4.C:
This exercise shows that different maps of graded rings can give the same map of schemes. Let \(R_\bullet = k[x, y, z]/(xz, yz, z^2 )\) and \(S_\bullet = k[a, b, c]/(ac, bc, c^2)\), where every variable has degree 1. Show that \(\proj R_\bullet \cong \proj S_\bullet \cong \P^1_k\). Show that the maps \(S_\bullet \to R_\bullet\) given by \((a,b,c) \mapsto (x,y,z)\) and \((a, b, c) \mapsto (x, y, 0) \) give the same (iso)morphism \(\proj R_\bullet \to \proj S_\bullet\) . (The real reason is that all of these constructions are insensitive to what happens in a finite number of degrees. This will be made precise in a number of ways later, most immediately in Exercise 6.4.F.)

Exercise 6.4.D:
Show that the map of graded rings \(S_{n\bullet} \hookrightarrow S_\bullet\) induces an isomorphism \(\proj S_\bullet \to \proj S_{n\bullet}\) . (Hint: if \(f \in S_+\) is homogeneous of degree divisible by \(n\), identify \(D(f)\) on \(\proj S_\bullet\) with \(D(f)\) on \(\proj S_{n\bullet}\). Why do such distinguished open sets cover \(\proj S_\bullet\)?)

Exercise 6.4.E:
If \(S_\bullet\) is generated in degree \(1\), show that \(S_{n\bullet}\) is also generated in degree 1. (You may want to consider the case of the polynomial ring first.)

Exercise 6.4.F:
Show that if \(R_\bullet\) and \(S_\bullet\) are the same finitely generated graded rings except in a finite number of nonzero degrees (make this precise!), then \( \proj R_\bullet \cong \proj S_\bullet \).

Exercise 6.4.G:
Suppose \(S_\bullet\) is generated over \(S_0\) by \(f_1, \dots, f_n\). Find a \(d\) such that \(S_{d•}\) is finitely generated in "new" degree 1 (= "old" degree d). (This is surprisingly tricky, so here is a hint. Suppose there are generators \(x_1, \dots , x_n\) of degrees \(d_1, \dots , d_n\) respectively. Show that any monomial \(x_1^{a_1} \dots x_n^{a_n}\) of degree at least \(nd_1 \dots d_n\) has \(a_i \geq ( \prod_j d_j)/d_i\) for some \(i\). Show that the \((nd_1 \dots d_n)\)th Veronese subring is generated by elements in "new" degree 1.)

Exercise 6.4.H:
Suppose \(S_\bullet\) is a finitely generated ring. Show that \(S_{n\bullet}\) is a finitely generated graded ring. (Possible approach: use the previous exercise, or something similar, to show there is some \(N\) such that \(S_{nN\bullet}\) is generated in degree 1, so the graded ring \(S_{nN\bullet}\) is finitely generated. Then show that for each \(0 < j < N\), \(S_{nN \bullet +nj}\) is a finitely generated module over \(S_{nN\bullet}\).)

Section 6.5: Rational maps from reduced schemes

Exercise 6.5.A:
Show that a rational map \(\pi: X \dashrightarrow Y\) of irreducible schemes is dominant if and only if \(\pi\) sends the generic point of \(X\) to the generic point of \(Y\).

Exercise 6.5.B:
Show that dominant rational maps of integral schemes give morphisms of function fields in the opposite direction.

Exercise 6.5.C:
Let \(K\) be a finitely generated field extension of \(k\). (Recall that a field extension \(K\) over \(k\) is finitely generated if there is a finite "generating set" \(x_1, \dots , x_n\) in \(K\) such that every element of \(K\) can be written as a rational function in \(x_1 , \dots , x_n\) with coefficients in \(k\).) Show that there exists an irreducible affine \(k\)-variety with function field \(K\). (Hint: Consider the map \(k[t_1, \dots , t_n] \to K\) given by \(t_i \mapsto x_i\), and show that the kernel is a prime ideal \(\pp\), and that \(k[t_1 , \dots , t_n ]/\pp\) has fraction field \(K\). Interpreted geometrically: consider the map \(\spec K \to \spec k[t_1 , \dots , t_n ]\) given by the ring map \(t_i \mapsto x_i\), and take the closure of the one-point image.)

Exercise 6.5.D:
Describe equivalences of categories among the following
  1. The category with objects "integral \(k\)-varieties", and morphisms "dominant rational maps defined over \(k\)";
  2. the category with objects "integral affine \(k\)-varieties",and morphisms "dominant rational maps defined over \(k\)"; and
  3. the opposite ("arrows-reversed") category with objects finitely generated field extensions of \(k\)", and morphisms "inclusions extending the identity on \(k\)"

Exercise 6.5.E:
Use the above to find a "formula" yielding all Pythagorean triples.

Exercise 6.5.F:
Show that the conic \(x^2 + y^2 = z^2\) in \(\P^2_k\) is isomorphic to \(P^1_k\) for any field \(k\) of characteristic not 2. (Aside: What happens in characteristic 2?)

Exercise 6.5.G:
Find all rational solutions to \(y^2 = x^3+x^2\), by finding a birational map to \(A^1_\Q\), mimicking what worked with the conic. Hint: what point should you project from? (In Exercise 19.10.F, we will see that these points form a group, and that this is a degenerate elliptic curve.)

Exercise 6.5.H:
Use a similar idea to find a birational map from the quadric surface \(Q = \{x^2 +y^2 = w^2 +z^2\} \subset \P^3_\Q\) to \(\P^2_\Q\). Use this to find all rational points on \(Q\). (This illustrates a good way of solving Diophantine equations. You will find a dense open subset of \(Q\) that is isomorphic to a dense open subset of \(\P^2\), where you can easily find all the rational points. There will be a closed subset of \(Q\) where the rational map is not defined, or not an isomorphism, but you can deal with this subset in an ad hoc fashion.)

Exercise 6.5.I:
Consider the rational map \(\P^2_k \dashrightarrow \P^2_k\), given by \([x,y,z] \mapsto [1/x,1/y,1/z]\). What is the the domain of definition? (It is bigger than the locus where \(xyz \neq 0\)!) You will observe that you can extend it over "codimension 1 sets" (ignoring the fact that we don’t yet know what codimension means). This again foreshadows the Curve-to-Projective Extension Theorem 16.5.1.

Section 6.6: Representable functors and group schemes

Exercise 6.6.A:
Suppose \(X\) is a \(\C\)-scheme. Verify that there is a natural bijection between maps \(X \to \A^1_\C\) in the category of \(C\)-schemes and functions on \(X\). (Here the base ring \(\C\) can be replaced by any ring \(A\).)

Exercise 6.6.B:
Interpret rational functions on an integral scheme (Exercise 5.5.Q, see also Definition 5.5.6) as rational maps to \(\A^1_\Z\).

Exercise 6.6.C:
Show that if a contravariant functor \(F\) is represented by \(Y\) and by \(Z\), then we have a unique isomorphism \(Y \to Z\) induced by the natural isomorphism of functors \(h_Y \to h_Z\). Hint: this is a version of the universal property arguments of §1.3: once again, we are recognizing an object (up to unique isomorphism) by maps to that object. This exercise is essentially Exercise 1.3.Z(b). (This extends readily to Yoneda’s Lemma in this setting, Exercise 9.1.C. You are welcome to try that now.)

Exercise 6.6.D:
Suppose \(F\) is the contravariant functor \(\Sch \to \Set\) defined by \(F(X) = \{\textrm{Grothendieck, A.}\}\) for all schemes \(X\). Show that \(F\) is representable. (What is it representable by?)

Exercise 6.6.E:
In this exercise, \( \Z \) may be replaced by any ring.
  1. (Affine \(n\)-space represents the functor of \(n\) functions) Show that the contravariant functor from \((\Z)\)-schemes to \(\Set\) $$ X \mapsto \{ (f_1, \dots, f_n) : f_i \in \Gamma(X, \OO_X) \} $$ is represented by \( \A^n_\Z \). Show that \( \A^1_\Z \times_\Z \A^1_\Z \cong \A^2_\Z \), i.e., that \( \A^2_\Z \) satisfies the universal property of \( \A^1 \times \A^1 \). (You will undoubtedly be able to immediately show that \( \prod \A^{m_i}_\Z \cong \A^{\sum m_i}_\Z \))
  2. (The functor of invertible functions is representable.) Show that the contravariant functor from \( \Z \)-schemes to \( \Set \) taking \( X \) to invertible functions on \(X\) is representable by \( \spec \Z[t, t^{-1}] \).

Exercise 6.6.F:
Fix a ring \(A\). Consider the functor \(H\) from the category of locally ringed spaces to Sets given by \(H(X) = \{A \to \Gamma(X,\OO_X)\} \). Show that this functor is representable (by \(\spec A\)). This gives another (admittedly odd) motivation for the definition of \(\spec A\), closely related to that of §6.3.6.

Section 6.7: The Grassmannian (initial construction)

Exercise 6.7.A:
Show that any two bases are related by an invertible \(n \times n\) matrix over \(A\) — a matrix with entries in \(A\) whose determinant is an invertible element of A.

Exercise 6.7.B:
Given two bases \(v\) and \(w\), explain how to glue \(U_v\) to \(U_w\) along appropriate open sets. You may find it convenient to work with coordinates \(a_{ji}\) where \(i\) runs from \(1\) to \(n\), not just \(k+1\) to \(n\), but imposing \(a_{ji} = \delta_{ji}\) (i.e., \(1\) when \(i = j\) and \(0\) otherwise) when \(i \leq k\). This convention is analogous to coordinates \(x_{i/j}\) on the patches of projective space (§4.4.9). Hint: the relevant open subset of Uv will be where a certain determinant doesn’t vanish.

Thanks for reading! 😁